Trevor Frerichs
April 2020
Congratulations to Trevor Frerichs, the April 2020 Rising Star!
Trevor was nominated by Nikki Garey who has this to say:
"Trevor has been my student for the past 5 years or so. He has a mild hearing loss. I have really seen him come out of his shell this last year. He has shown increased confidence and self-advocacy in participating in classes and completing his assignments. He is involved at school through Marching and Pep band, One-Act Plays, and has tried various sports. Trevor is involved with the Nebraska Regional Programs. Most recently, he attended the Quiz Bowl competition in Minnesota. Sara Peterson reported that he was a very valuable member of the team. He is a good friend and many of the other students involved with the NRP have indicated how much they enjoy his company when he attends. He has indicated that he would like to become a sign language interpreter in the future. He really cares for and works well with others. I anticipate that he will do well as he continues through high school and beyond!"