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Becca Noyd

Hi! My name is Becca Noyd and I live in Columbus with my husband, Art. We have four children, Evie, Hannah, Abram and Vince. Vince is Deaf plus. He was born with a severe/profound hearing difference and wears a hearing aid on his right side. Vince was also born with several congenital heart defects (CHD) which required open heart surgery at 8 days old and 8.5 months old. Vince is also g tube dependent. Like many others, we do not have a history of hearing loss in our family so it was a shock to learn about Vince’s. However, with all of his higher priority medical concerns as an infant, his hearing difference took a backseat and it wasn’t until his major surgeries were over that we worked really hard on wearing his hearing aid. It was a struggle, but he now will wear it full time! I look forward to sharing our journey with other Deaf plus families and to be there to support them!

Becca Noyd
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