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Deaf & Hard of Hearing Awareness Day at Pete's Safari

Sat, Sep 07


Pete's Safari

Join us for a family day at Pete's Safari for a family activity. This is open to Deaf or Hard of Hearing children receiving special education services and their immediate families.

Deaf & Hard of Hearing Awareness Day at Pete's Safari
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Awareness Day at Pete's Safari

Time & Location

Sep 07, 2024, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Pete's Safari, 2070 S Engleman Rd, Alda, NE 68810, USA

About the event

🔎 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER 🔎 Registration is due Wednesday, September 4th!

Join us for a family day at Pete's Safari (2070 S Engleman Rd, Alda, NE 68810) family activity will take place on Saturday September 7th from 1pm to 3pm. This activity is open to Deaf or Hard of Hearing children receiving special education services and their immediate families. 

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