Latino Community Leadership Forum
Wed, Mar 01
|Virtual Event
Hosted by the H&V Advisory Council for Latino Family Support

Time & Location
Mar 01, 2023, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM CST
Virtual Event
About the event
Escuelas Públicas, Charter, Privadas
Public vs Charter vs Private Schools
Audience: H&V Chapters, EHDI Program, FBOs , & Parent Leaders who offer/provide support to Spanish Speaking Parent of DHH children.
Público: Capitulos de H&V, Programas de EHDI, Organizaciones Basadas en Apoyo de Familia, Líderes Parental que ofrecen apoyo a padres de niños sordos/pérdida de audición en Español.
We ask for you to share with your H&V chapter, EHDI Program Leaders, and FBOs that offer support to Spanish Speaking Parents of DHH Children
Pedimos que por favor comparta con los miembros de su capítulo de H&V, los líderes del programa EHDI y las FBO que ofrecen apoyo a padres hispanohablantes de niños sordo / pérdida de audición.
Session will be conducted in Spanish spoken language only. English captioned recording will be made available soon after the event.
Questions? Contact Ana Brooks, H&V HQ Staff, Chair for the H&V Advisory Council for Latino Family Support ana@handsandvoices.org