Kellan Wilkin
July 2023
Congratulations to Kellan Wilkin our July 2023 Rising Star!
Kellan was nominated by Carre Klein, who had the following to say:
"I would like to nominate my 7th grade student from Elkhorn Valley School: Kellan Wilken.
He has had Cros Hearing aids for over a year now and has learned how to be responsible for them. He knows how to clean them and change the battery. He has attended a deaf/hoh activity through the regional program and had fun meeting other students with a hearing difference -his age. He is the only student in his grade and school that wears hearing aids. He is currently interested in learning about famous deaf/hard of hearing athletes. He was on the cross country team and football team this fall and let the coaches know when he didn't hear/understand. Another shout out- that he also knows the parts of his audiogram and can explain it. He also knows the parts of the ear and the parts/function of his Cros hearing aid. He is definitely a rising star!!"